This is the area I prepped for POR-15 today. It is the inner area below where the speaker mounts and behind the door jam. First I vacuumed the loose dirt and gravel from this area, then used a rag with Marine Clean to wipe it down. I followed this with a wire brush and then repeated with the Marine Clean. After it was dry I vacuumed it out again.
The driver side exhaust valve was cracked and a piece broke off when I took it off. Both sides are very brittle and probably need to be replaced.
This is a picture looking down the passenger side through the body lock pillar exhaust valve after I cleaned and prepped it. I plan to POR-15 all the areas that are rusted or have paint flaking off.
Looking down the cleaned and prepped driver side.
The remaining firewall padding stuck behind the booster and brake pedal bracket. I will need to remove the booster to get this bracket off.
Booster and master cylinder.
I had to disconnect the master cylinder from the booster so I could pull the booster out without having to bleed the brake fluid out.
The engine bay relay block was also in the way so I had to remove this first.
Picture of where the relay block was.
This is the hood latch release cable. Once disconnected from this end I pulled it through the firewall from the inside.
This picture shows the throttle cable and grommet where it enters the firewall. I pushed this through to the outside.
This picture shows the grommet and cable from the outside.
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