Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas 2015

Wishing each and every one of our followers a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! Enjoy your time with family and friends! If you are traveling for the holidays, please do so safely.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

This Is Your Chance To Say "Hello" To KITT

We have been working with KITT on perfecting his vocal recognition protocols and he is getting really good at recognizing and responding to just about everyone that stops by. However, he would benefit from hearing more vocal samples as there can be so many variances in the way we talk, and also with our varying accents.

There was enough interest from our followers, so we are hosting a video Hangout to give anyone interested a chance to say "hello" to KITT. Please keep in mind that because KITT will be learning your voice all you will be able to say is "hello", but if we have enough people help with this we might be able to let you talk to him more in the future.

Mark your calendar and join us on Hangouts on Sunday, December 13 at 7:30 PM CST.

Are you going?

Yes   Maybe   No