Friday, January 18, 2013

Seam Sealing The Interior

We had another day with a high in the upper 30s so I decided to seam seal the interior. I knew it be best to apply the seam sealer in the afternoon when it was warmest, so I started this morning by prepping all the areas for seam sealer. I wasn't sure how much seam sealing I would be able to do with what I had left (about half a can), so I decided to focus first on the seam behind the rear seat backs and the two seams for the lower firewall.

I started the prepping by using steel wool to scuff up the surface of the POR-15 so the seam sealer would have something to grab onto. All it really does is dull the gloss finish of the POR-15.

Then I used the air compressor to blow out all of the seams.

By the time Sara came home for lunch I had finished prepping the seams. A box came in the mail from Fine Lines and it is huge. If I ever need to ship Sara somewhere I have a box that will work. (Some air holes and a travel pillow and she would be all set.)

Back to work. The first thing I seam sealed was the seam behind the rear seat backs. 

Then I moved on to the two seams on the driver side of the lower firewall.

Then I did the two seams on the passenger side of the lower firewall. When I finished with this side I realized I had a lot more seam sealer left than I thought I would. I forgot how easy this stuff is to work with and how well it spreads out. I was able to leave the seams fairly thick and yet still had plenty left over. I decided to work on the other areas of the car where we had removed the original seam sealer.

First I prepped these areas the same way I did the other seams this morning. (I did not take any pictures of this part.) I seam sealed the driver side rear shock mount and along the wheel well.

Then I seam sealed the passenger side rear shock mount and along the wheel well.

I went over the seams on the passenger side rear storage area.

Then I painted seam sealer over the drain plugs. I started with the two above the fuel tank thinking it would help with any fumes and to make sure they are completely sealed.

I also did the driver side rear storage area.

I followed this up and met where I had stopped on the driver side wheel well.

I sealed the seam running across the trunk and decided since I had plenty of seam sealer left that I would seal all the drain plugs the same way I did the two on the rear deck.

Driver side rear seat bucket.

Driver side rear floor area.

Driver side floor area.

Passenger side floor area.

Passenger side rear floor area.

Passenger side rear seat bucket.

I still have a little less than 1/4 can left of seam sealer. I should have enough to touch up any spots I missed. Smells normally do not bother me much, but the seam sealer fumes are quite strong (especially in a closed garage). I probably could have found more to seam seal this afternoon, but I had enough of the smell by the time I finished the last drain plug.

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