Monday, September 8, 2014

Surprise Reveal

As you have all probably guessed, I've been busy working on a surprise...just not quite ready for the big reveal....however I can say that Zeno's paradoxes should be a factor.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Not Just A Car...

I know that posts have been scarce as of late, but I promise there will be an update or at least an explanation very soon...

Keep Your Scanners Peeled!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Celebrating 600 Followers On Google+

Project: K.I.T.T.'s Google+ page hit 600 followers today! Thanks to everyone for your continued interest and support!

If you have not had a chance to check out the Project: K.I.T.T. page on Google+ you really should. It's a great way to stay updated, leave comments, or even ask questions about the Project. It will even notify you of new blog posts and videos.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Happy Birthday To Me! :)

Meet KITT's little brother! It's a 1987 Pontiac Fiero GT!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Celebrating 500 Followers On Google+

Project: K.I.T.T.'s Google+ page just hit 500 followers today! Thanks to everyone for your continued interest and support!

If you have not had a chance to check out the Project: K.I.T.T. page on Google+ you really should. It's a great way to stay updated, leave comments, or even ask questions about the Project. It will even notify you of new blog posts and videos.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Switching Gears: Replacement Strut Tower Caps And A Little Padding

I ordered some more replacement parts from Shawn (OhioKARR) and they arrived yesterday. Yeah...I know, what would I do without this guy?!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Lower Control Arms Go From Red To Black

Today's focus: the lower control arms. I needed to remove both wheels to gain better access.

Friday, June 20, 2014

No Rain...All Gain! It's POR-15 Time!

I got off work early this afternoon and could not wait to get started on the Panhard/track bar and the subframe connectors. There was no rain in the forecast and the humidity was more normal for this time of year. I started by sanding the parts with 320 grit sand paper as recommended by the tech support at POR-15. This stuff is tough though and it takes a lot to scuff it.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

POR-15 When It Is Pouring Out...Not A Good Idea

I started Monday with the intention of getting the subframe connectors and the Panhard/track bar coated with POR-15. It was raining when I got out to the garage, but since the car was inside and I could still crack the door open without getting water in the garage, I figured I would be fine. We have applied POR-15 a few times already when it was raining outside and never had a problem, so I proceeded as planned.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

And We're Back With More Coverage Of POR-15

It stopped raining after dinner, so I went back out to the garage to tackle the rest of the rear trunk underbody.

POR-15 Canceled On Account Of Rain

I wanted to finish the trunk area of the underbody today. It was a partly cloudy day and perfect for painting. I got everything together and got started.

Applying POR-15 To KITT's Underbody (Again)

Yesterday I started reapplying POR-15 to KITT's underbody. KITT had been sitting on all four wheels all week drying. According to POR-15, the metal has to be "bone dry" for it to adhere properly. My mom stopped over early in the morning to spot for me while I got KITT back up on jack stands. Thanks Mom!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Getting Ready To POR-15 KITT's Underbody (Again)

Here is a quick video update on the state of KITT's underbody and my plan for fixing it. Stay tuned for another post about the whole process.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Sara Surprised Me With An Early Birthday Present!

This last week our deep freeze died. Then a couple days later my 8 gallon air compressor went south. It started leaking at the tank by one of the welds and I needed to replace it. We headed to Menards to get another like it and they were out, so upgrade time! I chose a standing 11 gallon air compressor. Then Sara suggested that we look at the mini refrigerators. (I had previously mentioned my cooler in the garage was not keeping my pop cold enough.) Sara surprised me by picking out a counter high 5.5 cubic foot refrigerator/freezer combo for the garage! Thank you Sara, you are the best!! I love you honey!

Now I can reward anyone who comes over to help with ice cold beverages! ;)

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Redoing What Has Already Been Done

The plan for yesterday was to MarineClean, power wash, and treat the underbody with Prep and Ready. First I needed to clean up the paint dust from the interior. It seems that none of it was masked off and the dust settled everywhere. Just as a note for anyone who is having someone paint their car: Make sure to specify everything you want masked off, even if it seems blatantly obvious to you. And if the painter is not willing to do what you want, find a different painter.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

KITT's Chrome Is So Bright, He's Gotta Wear A Shade

I had been in search of chrome coat hooks for KITT. They were chrome in the series and it is a little detail, but one I wanted to get right. Shawn (OhioKARR) had not only the chrome coat hooks but the chrome door lock sliders as well. He also had a mint privacy shade for the trunk area. I had previously purchased a shade from Dave (TheTurbocastKing), but it was broken and had paint overspray on it. I knew this ahead of time, but I did not think I was going to be able to find one in better condition. This was before I met Shawn.

The package arrived yesterday evening and Shawn's packaging was excellent as always.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Man, That's Rough

While going through the pictures for the blog, it occurred to me that the pictures so far have really made it hard to tell just exactly what I am having a fit about with the red parts. :/

I removed the Founders Performance sticker from the Panhard/track bar and I think this picture finally shows how badly the primer overspray affected the red color. Keep in mind that the Panhard/track bar was one of the least affected parts.