This afternoon we worked on the sound deadening again. We needed the hatch to be up and out of the way so we could access the back of the car. I started by raising the garage door and unplugging it.
I used bungee cords to secure the hatch glass to the garage door.
I secured the hatch glass with bungee cords in three places using the mounting holes in the glass.
Now that the hatch was out of the way, I could vacuum the back of the car.
The I cleaned the back with window cleaner.
Here is a picture of me installing the sound deadening to the rear seat back area.
It downpoured while we were working this afternoon. It was fun being in the garage with the door open while it was raining.
Sara is determined to use every last scrap of the RAAMmat BXT II.
RAAMaudio recommends 60-80% coverage with the RAAMmat BXT II. We are doing better than that in most of the areas. I want to be able to do the entire interior of the car.
Here is what we accomplished this afternoon.
I threw away the rear hatch struts/lift supports this afternoon. These need to be replaced anyway. (I am attempting to keep track of everything I get rid of, since I have already had a few instances of "Oh, I guess I didn't think I needed that...".)
Here is another before and after video demonstrating the reduction in resonance with the RAAMmat BXT II:
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