I started off this evening with a trip to Menards with Sara's dad to see how just how great the Lifetime Guarantee on my $7 ToolShop brand C-clamp really was. Turns out it is a really great deal as they replaced it with no receipt and no questions asked!
When we got home, I checked on the shroud I had POR-Patched and PowerMeshed. The patched area was as hard as rock, and had mended the cracked area. Here is a pictures of the repair and the front area. I still plan to work some POR-Patch into the crack from the front.
This first shot is illustrating where the top fender bolts are placed.
With the bolts removed the fender lifted off easily. Sara's dad and I came up with the idea of hanging it on a saw horse to keep it off the ground.
After seeing the areas I will now be able to treat with POR-15 I am really glad I decided to remove the fenders.
You can see the rust damage I repaired by the firewall area on the driver side corner was also starting to rust through from the outside. Some of the POR-Patch I had used had actually seeped through and was visible through the holes.
The passenger side fender did not lift off easily once the bolts were removed. Instead we were thwarted by the power antenna bezel. Apparently this requires a $20 tool called an antenna wrench to remove. So ends my progress for tonight.
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