We entered KARR in the local car show in Aberdeen yesterday. They estimated there were between 7,000 and 8,000 people in attendance. KARR was a hit and I got to talk a lot about Project: K.I.T.T!
KARR was his usual mouthy self and randomly muttered his classic lines. One gentleman was talking to me about the Fiero when KARR asked, "Now, may I take you somewhere for food?" and the guy laughed and said "Sure, I would like a Big Mac, a large fry and a Coke". We continued to talk when KARR interjected, "I have no eggs. Perhaps you can direct me to a chicken." The guy chuckled and said, "Your car may talk, but it's not very bright. Big Macs don't need eggs." We both laughed to which KARR replied, "There, did you hear. He is becoming abusive." I thought the guy was going to pee his pants he laughed so hard!
There were a ton of kids that loved KARR and took a lot of pictures and videos. One little boy with a disposable camera used the entire camera taking pictures of KARR!
There were also a couple of young women that asked if they could sit in KARR and have their picture taken. I was shocked, but agreed. :)
The show was a lot of fun, and I cannot wait until the day KITT is able to make an appearance...who knows, maybe KITT and KARR will face off!