This evening Troy and I went out to Mario's shop to trailer KITT home. I have been attempting to do this since the week before Christmas, but both Sara and I got really sick and the weather got really, really cold. Monday it was -27 degrees with the wind chill making it -52 degrees, just for example.
Troy picked me up about 5:45PM.
Here are a few shots of KITT in Mario's garage (You can see the shop in the back).
Troy backed into the driveway while I was taking these pictures.
We pulled back into our driveway about 6:10PM. We unloaded KITT from the trailer and pushed him back in the garage. (Which would have been a lot easier if the pavement was not solid ice.)
Here are some pictures of KITT back in the garage. There will be more pictures coming soon as I get everything in the garage better situated.
Mario finished all the body work on KITT and primed the car. He also painted the door jambs, trunk lip area, front cowl area, and the front radiator support. He refinished and repainted the spoiler/wing and repaired the dent I put in the front driver side fender.
Mario told me I can start putting the car back together so it is ready for paint around the end of March. He said I can put the doors on, the fenders, and the hood. This will help clear up some much needed space in the garage.
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