Saturday, August 3, 2019

Sometimes When You Are A Pain In The Ass...

You end up getting your ass spanked!  Yes, on the way to Troy's for his appointment to have the parking brake cables and fuel pressure regulator replaced, KARR decided to just stall out half way there.  Then he absolutely refused to start!  Troy had to bring his quad over and literally push KARR from the rear all the way to his shop!  Talk about an indignity befitting his stubborn little shit of a personality...

Troy installed the new parking brake cables and the parking brake works awesome now!  In testing the fuel pressure to determine the source of KARR's refusal to start, Troy discovered that it is actually the fuel pump that is failing.  Yes, you read that correctly.  The SECOND, BRAND NEW fuel pump is failing.  The pressure regulator seems to be doing its job, but it cannot compensate for the sudden loss of pressure due to the failing fuel pump.

Troy is ordering another fuel pump and when it arrives, I will have to drop the fuel tank for the THIRD time.

Here are the new parking brake cables installed:

When I got KARR back home today (after only stalling five times on the drive) I removed the metal bracket that holds the Christmas-tree style push pin from the B-pillar of the car.  This is supposed to be mounted to the B-pillar plastic but it had broken off.  I pushed the bracket back into place and used JB Weld to repair the mounting posts as I had done on the other plastics in the past.

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