We have a week before our next trip, so when we got back we needed to get KITT and the garage back into shape. We put all the plastics, that were literally all over the garage, back into KITT.
Alright, alright...I know everyone is like "WHAT ABOUT THE ENGINE AND TRANSMISSION!?!?!?" Well, here it is!
One of the things we noticed when we initially removed the transmission was that it was only secured with two bolts in the rear instead of three as is standard on Trans Ams with this transmission. Troy fabricated a sleeve and bracket to make use of the third bolt. You can also see the new polyurethane mounts for both the torque arm and the transmission cross-member.
We also put KITT back up on the auto dollies so we could slide him around the garage easier.
So, now for our second trip...we are going to Atlanta, GA for Southern Knights! Check it out here: www.southernknightsatlanta.com I am so excited for this, but a little nervous at the same time. I really do not like flying, but sadly since KITT is a ways off from being able to drive, we don't have much choice. :(
We also are trying to free up some more room in our storage and decided that the seats could be stored in KITT for now. It was really neat to see the seats back in KITT. I am excited to get these reupholstered in leather!
We will take lots of pictures and maybe even some videos...so stay tuned!
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