Last night Troy stopped by with the car carrier so we could take KITT over to Mario's shop. Mario plans to do all the bodywork on KITT now and then we will paint him this spring.
I got all of the stuff emptied out of KITT and had him ready to go, along with the driver side fender and the rear spoiler, both of which still needed some work.
The original plan was for Troy to stop by after he closed up shop, which is normally around 7:00PM. He ended up having to work late and was not able to make it over until 8:45PM. Unfortunately it was quite dark so the pictures did not turn out the best.
I put the driver side fender in the back of Troy's truck along with the rear spoiler.
When it came time to push KITT out of the garage, Troy pointed out that we were going to need to install the intermediate steering shaft. I am not sure why I did not think of this before now, but I did not. I ended up having to dig through the parts boxes until I found it.
We were able to install the intermediate steering shaft fairly quickly.
Then with Dad steering, Troy and I pushed KITT out of the garage and onto the carrier. Sara documented the process by taking pictures. :) Thanks Sara!
Once at Mario's shop, we unloaded KITT from the trailer and pushed him into the bay. Mario plans to start work on KITT on Friday and I hope to take some more pictures.
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